Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
So basically you are unwilling to give them a chance t make things right at all based on past dealings. We have to respect your opinion on that. But you are assuming they will hold the engine for "ransom" to bilk you for more money. I can also understand why you want a "refund" but in this business that is pie in the sky thinking honestly. Not saying you were not treated correctly but not allowing them to fix the situation when they apparently have offered IMO is a mistake.

I understand what your saying but, they had their "chance." My decision is not solely based on MY experience but ALL the others who have told me nightmare stories from MM. Havent heard one bad story about Best Machine though. Heres my offer, I will have it repaired locally and MM can reimburse me.

PSO headed 632 from MM. Cracked cylinder, loose valve seats, low oil pressure, low cylinder pressure.
..... Now its a door stop....