Originally Posted By madscientist
The fact that you took out a loan for an engine is big mistake. The engine builder knows the buyer is tapped out so any unforseen costs get ate by the builder (and ther ARE unforseen costs on ANY build).

You are better off putting it in the corner, sitting on it until you are finacially able to fix it correctly (I would figure 10k minimum) and then finish the project.

I know it's a bitter pill but it is what it is.

Shame on Muscle Motors for bidding WAY too low on an engine like that. I would like to hear their side of the story.

A good friend told me decades ago this little phrase. It has proven true many times. It goes like this: race you wage.

Best of luck to you.

I would like MM to tell their side too. The loan was in my budget. Just wasn't planning taking out another to make engine useable.

PSO headed 632 from MM. Cracked cylinder, loose valve seats, low oil pressure, low cylinder pressure.
..... Now its a door stop....