Originally Posted By AndyF
A 1000 hp pump gas engine is an R&D project, especially a Mopar wedge one. You might be able to find a few engine builders who build BB Chevy based pump gas engines that make 1000 hp, but I doubt that there are very many (if any) Mopar (NA) wedge engines that make 1000 hp on pump gas.

I wouldn't attempt to build a 1000 hp pump gas Mopar wedge myself and I've been designing and building Mopar bb wedge motors for over 30 years. I'm surprised it only cost you $22K. My 514 dyno mule makes 930 hp with 15:1 compression and cost more than $25K. Making more horsepower with less compression on a smaller budget is hard to imagine.

If someone asked me to build them a NA Mopar wedge that made 1000 hp on pump gas I'd ask them for $30K down payment and tell them to call back in a year to see how close I was. I'm not sure it is even possible since you would need something on the order of 600 inches that make 1.7 hp/inch. It isn't easy to make 1.7 hp/inch on pump gas in a big engine. 1.7 hp/inch for a 440 is 750 hp. Not very many 750 hp 440 pump gas engines running around.

I'm building a pump gas 470 engine at the moment using some really good parts and I'm shooting for 675 hp or 1.44 hp/inch. I just can't see a reasonable way to get to 1.7 hp/inch with pump gas.

I didnt ask for a 1000 hp pump gas engine. I asked for a big CI pump gas engine. They told me thats what they can do. If it was a R&D project and not sure when it would be done they should have told me that...its that simple. According to their Land and Sea dyno it made 1004 hp. 1000 divided by 622 equals 1.6 horse per inch.So i guess it can be done. Maybe you should be telling MM this ....

PSO headed 632 from MM. Cracked cylinder, loose valve seats, low oil pressure, low cylinder pressure.
..... Now its a door stop....