So how many units total did World produce and how long did it take to sell them? They obviously can't say they don't sell because there are none left so??

Same question for MP. How many and how long. Shouldn't take a lot of rocket science to figure if there is money to be made.

Apples to oranges comparison here but a few years ago I delivered part of a dust recovery system to a foundry in Alabama where they made die cast aluminum V6 blocks for Ford and Nissan and did lost foam head castings for GM.

They had a building full of injection presses that spit out a shiny new block about every 90 seconds.

I asked about what the unit cost was for those blocks with some basic rough machining and was told it was less than $300.

Now I realize there is a huge difference in the economy of scale between this and some aftermarket Mopar iron blocks but there is also a huge difference in the price of the machinery too.

So what is the unit cost for an iron block? I just don't believe that it is so much higher than a GM or Ford that the retail price approaches that of a KB aluminum who is for all intents and purposes a build them one at a time company compared to World.
