Crabman173 is dead on with a zero. The market WILL and always has lend its self to areas of volume, and speaking only in terms Mopar, that is the bracket racer and muscle car combinations that use BB combos.

Vehicles that have been built with the BB as the platform have the transmission pattern, motor/mid plate spacing and all the associated peripherals already established.

I think it is fabulous the Gen III hemi has come along, but the burden and expense to convert would be impractical for the vast majority. Just like the GM LS platform, it’s a great new market, but in no way has affected the BB GM market.

I also agree (sorry this may sting) in thinking it would be ludicrous to develop anything small block….why? There is no replacement for displacement and the current SB Mopar is a very small minority.

If you are fortunate enough to throw huge $$ at your project or program….move on with the generic wide BS blocks and call it what you wish. I’m fortunate enough to have the money for the better existing BBM pieces, (ie. Predator) but simply refuse to pay 2X the realistic value.

Additionally I have no interest in completely shelving all my current BB Mopar parts in favor of starting all over just to bracket race. But I would defiantly consider continuous upgrades to the components during maintenance intervals.

Yet another contribution......