well it appears, after shaking a few bushes and rattling a few cages,a ton of things have fallen out and on to the ground.the idea here was to get people involved into shaping the future of the mopar high performance arena and let those that keep our guns loaded with bullets know that we are here and need reloaded.word around town seems to be that mother mopar has a lot to do with the blocks drying up for many reasons.none of which we are privy to know.with the exception of fiat/chrysler not wanting to part with the antiquated tooling for blocks.they would surely resurrect the almighty cordoba before they ever use that tooling.true or not,all that matters here is if we all stand up and be counted,something good just may happen.besides, it sure beats recliner racing in the winter months.........

SFI 25.5 depends,no leak,even at 213 mph....