Word from a few block manufactures is it isn't worth the pissing match that they have to go through with Chrysler to duplicate the original design of the blocks.New blocks would have to have certain changes as to not come under Chryslers control.If this be the case many of the purist who already refuse to purchase World and even MP blocks because of variances in appearence would limit the market.
The cost of making mold patterns,molds and time/cost of limited production runs at a foundry as well as tooling,CNC programming and running are astronomical.Only when they see a demand that drives the consumer to be willing to pay the gold market prices will they consider a new run of production.
Believe it or not,outside the limited mopar community no ones really cares about standard production engine blocks from a bygone era.Most enthusist with money want the latest exotic stuff available.We see many of the die-hard collecters selling of their prize collections antisipating a downward trend in the market.It's only a few with abundant wealth that can and will survive.