
I am suspecting that you may have air in the front (disc) portion of the system or master.

That was my first thought which is why I vacuum bled them twice, had a helper bled them twice and even jacked up the car on one side to raise the caliper higher. And when I say vacuum pump, I mean a $250 electric pump with clear reservoir and lines I use just for bleeding brakes when help isn't about, it does a superb job.

Not my first rodeo, I have done thousands of brake jobs over the last 30 years professionally. Air was the first thing I thought of and did my best to eliminate it as a possibility.

Usually if you have air in the system you can pump the pedal and it will come up, this doesn't act that way.

The best description is new pads on a beat grooved rotor if you have ever done it. Its a spongy "not right" feeling.

Heading out to the garage now after a java infusion, pics later.

"I think its got a hemi"