
a 5HP go-cart wont turn 90 degrees at full throttle.....

If you play chicken w/ your buddy in your go-karts make sure you both turn left when driving towards each other, NOT, you turn left and I'll turn right....think about it for a minute.

Which brings us to:

If you are playing chicken with your buddy and he turns right when you turn left, a steel basketball goal post will stop your kart immediately and you will talk in a funny voice for a while...if you can ever catch your breath.


Last edited by moparhead; 07/17/03 04:27 PM.

Drag Week 2011 - 77th place - DD
Drag Week 2012 - 2nd place SRBB N/A
Drag Week 2014 - Kapooya
RMRW 2018
RMRW 2020