when your glass coffe pot falls out of the dish drainer, DO NOT try to catch it. As soon as your hand touches the pot it instantly explodes leaving a gash in your hand along the pinky to the bone. The whole time your mother (who was over to babysit while I went to work on my boss's truck) will be all freaked out and demanding you go to the hospital. I did not and got a small scar out of it.
When you are working on a car DO Not use Brake cleaner to clean the engine (It evaporates so well). You will burn the entire harness off the engine and it is very difficult to locate a engine harness for a 84 Caddy with a 4.1 engine in the rural south.
If you think that a 94 Grand Prix is easy to stop when it was left in nuetral by the owner after filling her tank. It is not and will cause you to hyperextend your knee joint resulting in a 23K hospital bill after the bone and joint specialist is done rebuilding said knee.