Lots of keepers here, and now we know why insurance rates are high and emergency rooms are busy on weekends

A few life changing moments --

1. When swapping carriers with your buddy, don't assume he refilled the case with gear oil (3.7 miles outside of town -- froze solid, whisps of smoke coming from the front pinion seal )

2. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight!!!

3. Don't play chicken with yer brother in the woods when he has the pellet gun and you got the B-B gun

4. Don't trust yer brother to hold the ladder while you paint the eves on the bunk house

5. When ya have replaced the axle bearings in a old 1/2-ton Chevy, remember to put the little clip back on the inner end of the axle or else in about a 1/4-mile the axle and wheel assembly does a whilry-gig out the side view mirror as the brake assembly on that side digs a trench in the gravel

6. Don't use a styrofoam cup to prep the accel pump when rebuilding the carb

7. Don't use a crow-bar to break the bumper bracket loose from where some idiot spotwelded it without first having removed the bumper, else when the weld finally lets go the whole da** bumper assembly falls on your knee and ya get a nice cut on the back of yer head, and the neighbors laugh as you try getting to the first aid kit with one hand on the knee cut and the other on the head cut while trying not to cuss too loud

8. Be sure the kids keep the windows rolled up on the right side of the car while passing a livestock truck that's going to the auction with a load of watered-up cows

9. Arc welding with tennis shoes on -- not a good idea

10. Starting a model aircraft engine (propeller nicely fitted and balanced -- I thought) in a poorly cinched up vice in a small garage with your father right outside the window the darn thing is aimed at is not a good idea

How I got this old is still a mystery!

Orig DOB 2-02 / Snooker there & here <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />