
Ever heard a railroad flare go off? In case you don't know, a railroad flare is basically a blasting cap modified to strap to a rail. The train runs over it, and the expolsion alerts the engineer to trouble ahead.

A friend's father worked for Chessie Systems, so he got a bunch and we strapped them down to the tracks and threw bricks at them to set them off. I remember feeling the percussive wave go by my head, and I couldn't hear for a while after.

At least YOU didn't hit 'em with a Hammer.

I learned from watching the "Big Kids" down the street that M-Whatevers make a mess of the inside of a Newspaper Box, so do Groundbloom Flowers and Smokebombs. For a few years in my neighborhood, it was REALLY hard to get a newspaper around the Fourth of July, you usually just wasted .50.

They also taught me that Golf Courses could be cratered really easily by dropping one down the cup on a green.

And they also taught me that if you had 2 people, one with a wristrocket, firecrackers, rubber bands and a lighter, you could rubberband one to a small rock, load up and pull back the wristrocket, your buddy would yell "GO! as soon as the fuse sparked, and up into the air it went. They spent months knocking Turkey-Vultures and Seagulls out of the air this way. Bastards, Maybe I should get a pet Seagull.