
Well said Billy.

I agree that Super Class may be boring to some, but like Billy said, it's mostly because they don't understand it.
My Dad didn't get it until I explained it fully--during elims. Then he got it and really understood it. It's all math he said..

Anyway.. To each his own... I enjoy it, and have a handful of Wallys from doing it... Can't get those from the Grandstands or Internet, complaining.

BTW.. I don't refer to Super Classes as racing.

But it is a COMPETITION, and a damn good one.. Stand at the finish line some time..


I couldn't agree more. But that being said, that's the problem with our sport. It's a little too technical for the average slack jawed goober to cling to. And our people in the know aren't the ones that get a chance to explain the technical part of super class racing. Heck alot of bracket racers can't grasp the technique that goes into it. And as for the typical fan, all they see is the car launch, slow, then speed up again and they can't understand why the guy who gets to the finish line first looses. That's the issue and why eventually IMO Top Dragster and Top Sportsman will take over. It's still bracket racing, but there is qualifying and it's fast. Juat my thoughts, and by the way, too bad about the woman killed at the races. I hear she was married to one of the racers. Very sad indeed.