Apparently it was a middle aged woman on a scooter.

You know, now maybe is not the time to say this but NHRA needs to get back to its roots. Slow those things down and go back to quarter mile racing. A single mag, a small blower, limit the size of the fuel pump so they are not quite as violent and uncontrolable. You can still have your fire and smoke, but a five second run at 260 is just as exciting as a 4 whatever at 330.

There seems to be some question as to how good the track was....a couple of Pro cars rolled yesterday, it has been rainy and cold all night, and now it is raining again. Apparently earlier today some were questioning the wisdom of trying to get the event in.

NHRA has to take a good hard look in the mirror...and re-assess how they do things. It may tee off some big money sponsors, but someone needs to turn this back into more of a sport and less of a business entity. The pits are packed, and now that NHRA serves beer in the pits incidents are just waiting to happen. And, now, this.....

Last edited by Steve1118; 02/21/10 05:23 PM.

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