

speak for yourself, because right here is someone that enjoys Super class racing, and its not the sugar coated finish line excuses that you said. I also know many others that enjoy watching it.
I enjoy it because of the engineering side of it, what they are doing to make the car do what its doing.

That's the problem - I DID like watching the Super class cars, in the early days when cars left the line at full throttle and stayed there most of the way, but all that "engineering" you speak of that's so interesting one day is going to be the death of them at the national event level.
Drag racings' most unique feature is a full acceleration start. Anything less SUCKS - period. Your throttle stop and timer ruin it for the majority of spectators - THE PAYING CUSTOMERS. Forget about not needing fans at some Bracket Bash - we're talking about National events. NHRA seems to keep thinking of more new forms and classes to squeeze into the show - well, guess what, an event is only so many hours and so many days long. Now, if you were Compton or some other NHRA business man, and had to trim something from the program for some new class, which classes would YOU trim? That's right, the ones where the fans leave the stands. They've already done it to some of Stock, S/S and Super Street, where else can they trim? And I can bet that there will STILL be more people interested in 8 second wheel standing SS/AH and 9 second stockers than the Super Class cars at a National event - hell, even the nitro teams watch the SS Hemi Shootout.

Yup, Super Class racing of today - real interesting....Look how clever this guy was to string together all these timers and electro-pneumatic devices just so he could....Hurry up, wait....then hurry up again, then wait some more at the top end.... endlessly thrilling, if you're engrossed in the engineering it takes to do that, but like having root canal to everyone else.

the majority of the spectators are not there to watch anything else but what they see on TV...

youre talking all over the board about things that dont matter, or personally I dont care about. if you dont like some of the classes that are running, then go get your spectator goodie bag, grab your autographs, and wait for the things you like to run.
MEANWHILE, you did it again, you are speaking for a whole lot of people, based on your narrow views.
I wrote and said that I like super racing, and you just put it down like what you think is what matters, whats wrong with you? why cant you just say something like, you know, I dont care for that type of racing, but if its something you enjoy, for whatever reason, then I'm glad theres something for you to see.

seriously what is wrong with some of you people?