
I'm sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree. The reason the stands empty after the fuel car run is because S/C, S/G and S/street comes out. And just because they limit blower speed, mags, fuel pumps, doesn't mean that people won't watch and pay to see the show. They still watch Nascar don't they? And they went restrictor plates years ago. And they still watch the Alcohol classes don't they? How about Pro Mod? Think about it, people will watch the show that is offered if it's loud, pounds the ground and smells of nitro. That's the draw.

And a BIG reason the stands empty for the Super classes is because of the throttle stops and timers - no one, even educated spectators, wants to go from seeing flat out runs in the pro categories to cars falling on their face right out of the hole.

And please, save your whining, t-stop racers, I've heard it all before - those cars STILL SUCK to watch from the stands, no matter how much you sugarcoat how it 'makes the racing closer at the finish line.' The paying customer isn't watching you at the finish line if you've already turned their interest off at the starting line. Stock and Super Stock still can attract some fans at a National event, because they haven't lost their visual appeal at the stating line, unlike the Super categories.

Here's another area where less could be more - slow the fuelers down by taking fuel, blower and magneto away, bring the costs down - the sound and fury will STILL be there.

Same thing in the Super categories - get rid of all the doodads and junk, down track timers, t-stops, etc. Less expense, and make the driver actually DRIVE the car or slow the car down via mechanical t-stops not controlled by a damn computer or electronic timer.