


Everyone I've talked to on the scene knew the injured woman was dead, unfortunately. But to pronounce that at the scene would have meant a stoppage of the event, and an official police investigation on the grounds, so she had to be whisked away to be pronounced at the hospital and the show could go on. It's a sickening reality, but it's standard protocol for any large sporting or public event in this country.

Well, the only way she could have been pronounced dead at the scene is if there was an Doctor, Coroner or Undertaker there to do it! Those are the only professionals that can legally declare someone deceased!

well if they are not breathing and have no pulse what would you call it? doesn't take a doctor to figure that out. except for legal purposes.

glad your not a doctor, how many people on this planet are alive and well that at some point didnt have a pulse and were not breathing. i say give the person all the help and medical attension they need before throwing in the towel.

props to the prostock guys fgor standing up to nhra!!

my condolences for the family of the woman that died

i also think the wheel wasnt torqued down properly.