

I not too thrilled about the use of pinto/mustang 2 spindles on the alterktion kit as those cars never were designed to handle.

On the plus side just about everything in the aftermarket in the past was design to fit them as well as use the rack and pinion off of one.

It's just the spindle not the whole car. You just design around it.

They raced Pintos in like IMSA in the 70's ageing Datsun 510's, Gremlins, Alfa's?.

That is exactly my point.

Of those cars none are 3800 lbs. all are under 3000 lbs. most have a race weight which was under 2300 lbs.

The other problem is exactly as you stated you have to design the whole car around the spindle itself and from what I remembered the spindle height is not ideally suited for a car made to handle.

Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.