Thanks @ogopogo for contributing to this topic!!!

Your (former) car looks awesome! Very interesting is that they used 2 fendertags just to be sure it really gets the HEMI-ENGINE at the plant. Also interesting about the 2 tags is, that they used 2 srews each, so 4 screws in total: I only know the 3 screws total from the later cars (1968 upwards), where the middle screw is shared by both tags...but maybe this was a cost saving measure, that the early cars did not have yet.

Do you by chance still know the VIN or could look it up in some old paperwork/photos for us?

So I would check my list if your car is already known and if not, add it to the list.

Updated list will be posted here, of course.

As of now, I have got 3 red/4spd-cars in my list:

-for 2 of them 1 also got the VIN
- the third car is Don Grotheers car (VIN not known to me yet)

Last edited by TobiasM; 01/04/23 01:35 PM.

Thanks and best regards,
