Great you are fine!

the test light can be used on either way, to check for ground or for positive signal.

If checking against ground, on harness side the male end shouldn't light up since that pin goes to ground inside the ECU ( 5th pin )... so on a continuity test should read 0 ohms, but with a test ligh should remain off... of course testing against positive source ( batt pole or alt stud if still conected or any other ) will light on

on male lead... never have made that test nor with test light or multitester on ohms scale. It can get very well somehow a positive source and checking with a test light againts ground, could light up. Dunno if that woould be a good or bad signal.

On dist side plug... if testing with a test light against positive, NEITHER of both terminals should show a light on. That would mean the coil inside is shorted to ground. The pickup coil must be totally isolated from ground.

testing with a multitester on ohms scale between both leads, must read as previouslly posted

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela