Well, I got it down the track.
First pass, 1.299 with the adjustments I put in to start. I will try and add a video. The different converter is TIGHTER down by 200 rpm, shift drops 1450 rpm to 6,000 from 7450. The ET was5.713 in the 1/8th at 121.22, 8.978 1/4, 149.41 mph. DA is about 2200.
The graph shows the rpm at launch only goes up to 5600 right after launch, then there is a big dip in the acceleration just like before.
I will put the front shocks at full stiff and lower the wheelie bars some more and see what happens.
The driveshaft rpm sensor quit, so no driveshaft rpm down

Last edited by gregsdart; 07/29/16 03:31 PM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky