What Monet said...You can see that in both the driveshaft and G meter. Wheelspeed is your friend. Get the driveshaft speed to not go up and then drag down. Stuck the tire pulled engine down. Most cars have that hump at this hit the key is to minimize it as much as possible, that will get the car to accelerate and maintain it better.

Your converter looks way tight as well. Looks like you are dropping 1200ish rpm on the shift, that's to much IMO to go fast anyway. I would want to see 6-700RPM tops. Looks like shifting at 7400ish falls back to 6200ish, that aint the fast way down the track. Look how far the G meter drops on the shift too. A looser converter will also help the graph down low at the hit to build some wheelspeed and make that graph a lot cleaner without the big hump.

Last edited by Al_Alguire; 07/11/16 02:49 PM.

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