I have looked at this post as well as other post from other sites with great interest. I have tried to weed through the FMCSA regulations many times myself and I carry a copy of the exemption page that states RV's are exempt as the Vehicle Reg's say but they have changed it from a year or so ago as it now says "recreational vehicles operating under their own power." So since I have a 48 Ft. Gooseneck that is titled and licensed as an Rv I'm going to keep my old copy in the truck. I'm lucky as I have the Class A CDL as I drive a school bus so all I think I would need would be the log book and if made to, the DOT but as General applicabilty Part 390.3 (f)( 3) states "f) Exceptions. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the rules in this subchapter do not apply to —(f)(3) The occasional transportation of personal property by individuals not for compensation nor in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise;" I'll be carrying a copy of that along with my past year IRS documents. I tried to catch the Indiana DOT police as they were inspecting our busses to ask them their viewpoint but they were to busy and I don't like interrupting them. Ha! While I was looking up this info on the FMCSA site, I was asked to take a survey and I really (nicely) let them have it on not having the exemptions better defined and examples so we could carry something with us to show the DOT officers and implied that there is inconsistency in the interpretation by officers. Don't know if it will help, but can't hurt.
It is hard to beleive that we have come to having to carry our tax returns with us to prove that our property is ours and not a business to enjoy a hobby!