
I think everyone has to cool down and put themselves in Dave's shoes........He took a a risk.

i dont see it that way at all.
however, even if he did...whats the up-side for him to pointing fingers at us, and intimating we're a bunch of hacks?

if there was a risk on his part, he took it because he felt he might be able to share the spotlight in the event of a winning performance.
it didnt work out to his satisfaction, so he lashed out.

i wonder what his angle on the whole situation would have been had we paid full price for the cams?

Jesse, you can continue to do business with him if you like, but IMO his commentary shows just how much regard he has for your abilites and skills.....which appears to be none.
in Daves words, no good deed goes unpunished...and the way i see it....you tried to do a good deed for him by using his products. in return, he called you an unprofessional amature.

as for fall out from our EM entry pertaining to his business.....
this is probably the most active Mopar site on the web.
our entry made a VERY respectable showing of its power capabilites....and we laid it right out for all to see that those numbers were achieved using one of his cams.
so, what the f**k would he have to whine about with regard to us?
if anything, we should have helped his business by proving his cams could make decent power.
i would also think that letting it be known that he had helped us out with our efforts would have been a step in the right direction in trying to undo some of the bad blood he has here among several memebers.

his commentary has only shown me his true colors...and frankly....i dont need to, and wont, associate with a guy like that.

68 Satellite, 383 with stock 906’s, 3550lbs, 11.18@123
Dealer for Comp Cams/Indy Heads