The guys worked very hard on this motor, he fails to mention that there are some very knowlagable people on this board, DRAM, Hakim, and yea some hobbyists, so friggin what, all this guy did was piss off 6000 potential customers from this board, and maybe some of their friends, maybe things diddnt turn out the way we planned, but to call these guys all amatures from a chat room is wayyyy out of line, he even fessed that it could have been in the top 4 or 5, well it wasnt, but it certainly was not due to lack of effort, so now because the engine diddnt place, he becomes the sore looser, and tries to disassociate with the chat room amatures, well heres a big F-off to Hughes from me, cause if that trophy was here, they would be spouting about it to all the rags, too bad this article had to come out, there already is enough pain being felt, and I think we should be already making plans for the next attempt, learning curve is one thing , a curve ball is another. Oh and BTW im in on the next one. That guy struck a nerve!! Sorry this had to come out.