everything is pointing to the dist. this other 2 zigzag dist, maybe it is time we try it (not permanent but just to pin it down). Does this dist have 2 zigzag plug ins/2 pickups/no vac or mech adv? with the 1&1/4 socket get the nearest tooth dead even with the magnet, then install the other dist in the same position (tooth dead even with magnet/rotor under same plug wire terminal). I'm assuming the rotor phaseing is near the same with either zigzag being used (been a long time since I seen one of those) but confirm by lining up the tooth with a magnet & see if the rotor is under or near under a cap terminal bulge (centered). See if it will fire up. You wont have advance so shut it down pretty much right away as it will get hot above idle but if it starts that's all we need to know for now.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth