"Check the reluctor gap (takes 5 seconds)." For me, crawling back there takes more than 5 seconds. On the screw down thru the center I know there wasn't one in the hardware package in the kit, just wondered if it is suppose to have one. Thanks again
When you get up in your 60's you will be able to slide in & out of there like a ninja in 5 seconds (or less). That screw is a preventative piece but I cannot say I have ever seen one come off of there. it is a weird thread count (iirc) but I'm sure your hardware store could fix you up. EDIT The coil would have to have sparked with you making/breaking jumping the neg primary post to ground. definitely check the plate lockdown screw cuz if it loosened once likely it will do it again cuz you tightened it up good both times. You might have to tap a new hole or possibly jam a slightly larger screw in there till it gets secure.

Last edited by RapidRobert; 01/04/18 09:59 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth