
I will be glad to see it out again. I saw it running at Lassiter Mountain Dragway back in the mid 90's running in the heads up street car class. I think it ran some 5.60's.

They ran KOS at Lassiter back in the day? I would like to see that return to this area for sure! Think I have a ride to do it with. There are enough very fast street cars around here to make a field but they would have to keep the rules simple and inclusive. X275 IMO is way slanted to the ferd rustangs.

Where you gonna get those glass doors Monte? Do they have to be custom made since it seems nobody makes anything for our old stuff anymore. I would love to shed a bunch of useless weight on the doors on both of my Demons.

I would love to have you evaluate what you think the heads on my 499 are but I think Adger Smith knows what he did when he built them. They are going back there for fixing so maybe that will help him remember all the details. He mentioned something about Wayne County the first time I talked with him and I thought that was some location. Turns out I have some kind of goofy lifter angle also that requires the cam lobes to be cut to match. Nice to know before ordering a new cam!