To answer your question, since the other thread was locked.........The GTX has an appointment in the chassis shop in the next couple months to get a few things done and make a roller out of it. 98% of the chassis is finished, only lacking some finish welding and finishing the front suspension. At the time of the last chassis work, it was being done for Outlaw 10.5 and the front suspension rules were much tighter then. Since rules have changed, plus I have no desire to really "class" race, the front suspension is being changed. Still has stock rails, firewall and a-arms, but will be greatly simplified. The tin is done, but may change that to carbon. Also going to do some more cutting on the body, as the goal now is "light as possible". All the factory door jambs and roof bracing will get the axe now. It will strictly be a GTX "skin". I had made the steel front nose a one piece liftoff, but that is being shelved for a glass nose as well as glass doors.

The Mark Williams 9" setup will remain of course and the trans will be a 2-speed Turbo 400 with a 1.48 low gear. Engine?...........well............we have an idea of what we plan to put in it to start, but I ain't mentioning that here.

We do have a specific purpose for the car in mind and it needs to be light. Hope to get it under 2600 race ready with me loaded up.

Hopefully it will be making some hits in the spring.
