I got the gas tank pulled, the door glass out, and the rusted window trim screws removed today. Under the tank if definately black. The undercoating was sprayed with the tank installed. I will get pics I can post shortly.

I'll post those pics for you, but they'll be from my Iphone. Seems like the front blackout was done from the bottom front with the grille support bolted on. I have lots of really good pics on my digital camera's memory card, but I can't post them on here.

I also spent a good portion of the day figuring out how to get the rotisserie I borrowed to work, and to troubleshoot why my welder wasn't working. Turns out its more for a Chevy body/ frame than a Mopar. No worries I will fabricate the correct arms tomorrow. Its going to set me back day to get it all straightened out but I don't want to rush it.