
I wonder when the big wigs and or small up and coming companies will approach about sponsorship to the class or individual cars that are steaming.

Likely not going to happen. This type racing falls into a very small "niche". There are really not a lot of rules and some of the ones they do have, are very subjective. Such as, what "looks stock" or especially what "sounds stock" can be totally different, depending on who is looking or listening. Not taking anything away from any of these cars, or any of the drivers, because the cars are simply amazing...but...speaking from a manufacturers point of view, sponsoring one of these cars, would really do you no good. After all, everything has to look or be stock, so what would we be selling. These cars are fast, because the owners have crazy money, time and development in them. Not something they are likely to give up for a few dollars of sposorship money.
