
I believe they might fall under safety items so therefore do not need to appear stock.

Ok, to that end, if it's done to increase safety and it's ok to deviate from a stock appearing suspension in doing so. That being the case why wouldn't an Altercation style suspension be allowed for the Mopars? Where does it end?

From a spectators point of view the closer to original the cars appear the more impressive thier accomplishments.

When I start seeing fuel cells, trick suspension parts, etc. the cars start to loose a bit of thier alure, sort of like when you see a really cool magic trick and then the magician shows you how it was done, takes some of the fun out of it for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to pick on Lane either just because he's driving a Ford, I meant what I said, a HUGE congratulations to him for what he's done, and as you said, he passed tech so nothing was done wrong on his part. I'm a huge FAST fan and supporter, I just don't like some of the things I'm seeing lately in terms of what's being allowed.