
I'm fine with this thread drying up and blowing away. Let's here some war stories from the here and now!

Sit back & learn, young 'un-----
Last Summer a friend of mine (66 yrs old) takes out his '55 Chevy "just because".
Now this '55 is like millions of others--multi-colored primer, ripped up bench seat, some interior panels missing, really not much to look at------- EXCEPT----------- he's running a an all-aluminum Donovan 434 cu.in smallblock, AFR heads, 15:1 compression & a roller camthat "OH, about .700 or so." he says.
So some young kid pullls alonside him & statrs playing with him in his 80s Mustang. My friend tries to ignmore him & does a pretty good job until they get stuck at the same light. The young guy has all he can stand & flat-out challanges him right there. My friend, being an "A"-type personality, figures enough is enough and proceeds to school him in a little respect for old cars & old guys---it wasn't even a race! The kid pulls up alongside him, asks him what he has & all he would say was: "A smallblock." The kid turnede off the street & I'm sure is trying to figure out just what kind of small block, in a "brick" of a car with an old geezer driving could spank him that hard.
The point is, don't assuming just 'cause it's old, it's worthless.........

Wish I was a "young un", but I'm 49. Hemicop, your bud FullMetaljacket knows me very well, and sleepers have always been my thing. For a few months back in the early 80's I owned The Fount with a 66 Coronet that had rust holes big eough to stick your head through, studded snow tires, and a drive train specifically designed for that place.
What I was trying to say, is that we're all still alive, our cars are all still here and functional, and the earth is still dashed with flat, straight and wide strips of pavement...why the hell are we talking about stuff that happened 30 plus years ago!!!
Racing...Street Racing...any racing, is a way of life. You stop racing, you stop dreaming about racing and you begin to die. Screw that!