I'm fine with this thread drying up and blowing away. Let's here some war stories from the here and now!

Sit back & learn, young 'un-----
Last Summer a friend of mine (66 yrs old) takes out his '55 Chevy "just because".
Now this '55 is like millions of others--multi-colored primer, ripped up bench seat, some interior panels missing, really not much to look at------- EXCEPT----------- he's running a an all-aluminum Donovan 434 cu.in smallblock, AFR heads, 15:1 compression & a roller camthat "OH, about .700 or so." he says.
So some young kid pullls alonside him & statrs playing with him in his 80s Mustang. My friend tries to ignmore him & does a pretty good job until they get stuck at the same light. The young guy has all he can stand & flat-out challanges him right there. My friend, being an "A"-type personality, figures enough is enough and proceeds to school him in a little respect for old cars & old guys---it wasn't even a race! The kid pulls up alongside him, asks him what he has & all he would say was: "A smallblock." The kid turnede off the street & I'm sure is trying to figure out just what kind of small block, in a "brick" of a car with an old geezer driving could spank him that hard.
The point is, don't assuming just 'cause it's old, it's worthless.........