

Good one. Very good point.

I run a 1.19 60' on a 8 3/4... LOTS of 1.19s so what
does that say... and dont say lucky.. it has its place
as do all the others

This is my thoughts... it is all about who sets them up, some guys set up and run 8.75s Dana60s, 9" and they all can last very long times, then you have other guys who at equal or lower power levels bust teeth off, caps off, break pinions... on all of them rear diffs are a black art that a few think they understand and in reality very few out of those even have a good grasp on doing it right and that is the ones that outlast the energizer bunny. Very few people know how backlash affects the life of the rear much less throw in preloads, parts selection, gear mesh patterns... I am not one of those guys, I let someone else do it for me. If I want one to put one behind a serious motor/chassis and last I will call Cass. If you have someone build a bunch of diffs for you and they break all the time it is time to swap builders not nessacarily diffs

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!