Unfortunately it appears the aftermarket companies that sell torsion bars and swaybars stay away from answering these questions about suspension frequency and weight transfer etc etc I suppose they figure it gives away some of their engineering.

Check this place out I have posted this here a while back and for some reason the general population doesn't understand that their is science and engineering behind these facts...but then again most on this site (not likely visitors to this section of Moparts) feel the engineering put into Chrysler products to be superior when in fact these are production cars sold to the masses that were figured to be traded in within 5 years back in the day to do duty as second hand or work cars.

fast forward to today most here are trying to improve the handling of their old Mopar to more compliant and enjoyable status vs the old "dial a rotary phone steering and boat ride quality"

Here is what I have found on Suspension frequency and weight transfer



