
Yes, I'll venture into the metering blocks and give this a shot.

Let me go back briefly to your questions.

- Camera is a Canon SD850 IS. It's a good camera for the money, and Thanks for the complements.

- My wife is the only other witness, and she tells me the same thing, that it smells bad. I asked her if she thought it smelled rich and she said yes. We both agree that my clothes smell everytime I get out of the car. If she was the only one complaining then it would be different, but I notice the odor also. There is no odor making it's way into the car unless I am stationary and idling with the driver/passenger windows down. Literally though, as soon as I pull into the garage, and then get out of the car, even after shutting the engine down immediately, the smell has made it's way into my clothes, and into the garage area.

I'm beginning to think that because I have a Holley, that this is normal? This car runs exceptionally well, and is broad throughout the rpms. It's no power house of course, but it runs really smooth, and well!

- You say the black is normal at the T-slot area, but again, mine looks a little white-ish, as if it's burnt some. That's not camera glare either, it looks burnt, and also burnt around the eyelet area just up and to the right from the T-slot. If you say it's okay, then it's okay.

Thanks again for all your help thus far, and to everyone else who has replied