
That looks perfect - don't mess with it. Yes, I see they already drilled holes in the primary throttle plates for you.

The pics look good - what kind of camera are you using?

And yes, the black is normal at the T-slot discharge. You can see a little of it on the baseplate I took pictures of a few days ago, and I even wiped it down with a paper towel sprayed with carb cleaner before I took the picture.

It's just fine that there's little to no T-slot showing on the secondary.

You said it smells rich to you, but you don't seem 100% sure. Is there anyone from whom you can get a second opinion?

Here's the next thing to do if indeed it is rich. I'll give you a brief synopsis and you can tell me if it's something you wish to pursue. If you do, I can go into more detail and walk you through it.

What I'd want you to do is pull off the metering blocks and take some pictures of them. I'd identify the Idle Feed Restrictors for you. They're tiny holes, and they are the "jets" for the idle circuit (and the transfer slots) but unlike your main jets, you can't just screw in new ones. I'd get you to measure them using the shank end of numbered drill bits. Then you'd find some wire with a diameter that would make the hole about 25% smaller (remember Pi R squared) depending on how big the hole is, and use the wire to restrict the hole, then put the carb back together and try it. That will lean out your idle circuit - possibly not enough, possibly too much. After you find out, you'd juggle the wire size to get it right.

The good news is, there's no drilling involved to find out if this is the problem. If the wire doesn't fix it, you yank it back out and go on about your business.

If you want to try it, I'll help you. And there are other people here who have done this as well, and I'm sure they'll help too.


Last edited by JimG; 11/28/08 06:05 PM.