Let's face it. None of us are into Mopars for the bang for the buck quality or even the sheer beauty of some of the models

We're in it because at some point in our lives we saw one that just knocked our socks off. It's completely emotional with little nod to practicality (except for me. It was better than the car I traded it for )

That's why people get stirred up over this and I agree. If you're into Mopars then why mix them? If you want practical, buy a Camry. Or a camaro with a 350.

I'm not bashing Chevys. There's a few that I would trade five of my Chargers for. But few of them would attract the interest this car has. I've had a few nice cars in my day and run with a bunch nicer than mine. But there always seems to be a group of people around mine because it's so unique and novel. First gen Chargers are still a good buy, so maybe the bang for the buck component isn't lost after all