Well I got some unexpected time today and took the Charger out for a spin. I made it to the gas station to top her off and back. I noticed that it was running a bit rough so I let it keep idling after I got home and it did eventually idle down and die.

Voltage never got below 7V on the hi side of the coil so not a voltage is not an issue.

Immediatley after it died, I grounded the ECU harness and checked for spark on the coil wire and I am getting a consistant 35kV+ spark!

I then reconnected everything and fired it back up with minimal effort. Car died about 2 or 3 minutes after this. Can restart and same happens.

SO the issue is still there but better now? Car will run for longer before dying and can be re-started unlike before where there was no starting it until it cooled off completely.

I am open to any suggestions. I would say maybe a fuel issue but it can fire back up and run for a few minutes. I would think if the carb were not delivering, it would run very rough and or pop with it leaning out. Not the case....runs fine until it dies.

Since the coil is giving plenty of spark when ECU is triggered I guess I am down to the dizzy/wires/plugs??