
Well I purchased the MSD .08ohm ballast that is what their documents suggest to use with the Blaster coil. Now I get between 7.5V to 8.5V on the coil!

I cranked her up and ran for 25 minutes or so, no shutting off. I don't know if I will have the chance to take her for a spin this weekend and I am a little gun-shy now of being stranded for the 4th time with this issue!

Idle still drops about 20 RPM when the fans kick on at idle but I would imagine that's normal as the alternator is now putting up some resistance on the belts with the new 20 amp load. However I idled in gear with fans for 6 or 7 minutes and idle held steady around 700-720RPMs.

An interesting note is that whatever I seem to set the curb idle to out of gear (750-850+ RPMs) does not seem to make much difference to what the engine settles at in-gear (always 700-720 RPMs). I do see a difference in how fast the car moves at idle when I let the brake go but that's it.

Is that normal? I don't want to set my curb idle to any more than 850RPM but I was wondering if that might help keep the in-gear idle a bit higher to keep this problem at bay....apparently not.

Oh and by the way, thanks for everyone's input here so far! It is nice to see people taking the time to help a fellow hobbyist here

I will keep posted if the issue rears its ugly head again.