I would eliminate the front/rear cork gaskets & use a wide carefully placed swath of silicone front/rear on squeaky clean surfaces & let it sit up overnight but if your supplied front/rear gaskets are thin you would be fine & alot of people have had no issues. It's a judgement call. I would use a bit of gasket cement on both sides of the gasket cooling hole opening in the front of the gaskets on each bank. Either the correct color (blue?) of silicone made for coolant contact or some other gasket cement (Indian head would work fine) or permatex 1 or 2 in the toothpaste like tube, it ain't critical. Grade 8 bolts would need to be torqued to what ever that dia of grade 8 bolt requires since you need a certain amount of bolt stretch & that's dependant on grade/dia & I'm sure that'll be different than the 12 ft lbs specified for the TTY magnum intake bolts & is somewhat dependant on the part/gasket in question that's being compressed & there was a mention of the vertical angle needing less torque for some odd reason, maybe someone has some info on that if that's relevant here. Let it all sit up overnight/cross your fingers/pump it up to 15 lbs/holler back

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth