
4. Thicker rear sway bar. It is supposed to help by keeping the high-side rear tire down which means more traction on the back. That equals less over-steer.

I'm gonna disagree with this one as a potential fix. He already has too much rear rate. Adding more will make it worse. Handling results sometimes are inverse from what you would logically think they need-ie the end of the car with the most wheel rate is the end that will slide first. The rear is sliding first, therefore it has too much rate. To pull it back in, you need to either step down the rear rate or step up the front rate. Understeer would be the opposite.

I still think the first step is sub-frame connectors. There is so much to be gained from them, they should be the first step of any suspension upgrade, IMO.


Can anyone honestly say here they have made this single change alone and noticed any improvement? I think not.

Same applies to 11/16" TR

True, but the factory did add a stiffening strap to the lower control arm on AAR/TA offerings, so there is some merit to it. The plate may be overkill, but its simple enough.

I'm with you on the 11/16: TR, however.