And here is what I said back in April about reproduction broadcast sheets..

"If someone does actually step up and start producing reproduction broadcast sheets , they will be at the top of the list , when it comes to shady characters .
Fabricated documentation is a big negative for everyone in this hobby. Their had been phoney
fender tags, window stickers , (under the table) dash VINS, Re-stamped blocks , etc. for years.
All the above have hurt this hobby . Countless buyers have been stung buying fake cars.
You either have your docs, or you don't.
If you don't, that's too damn bad .
Pulling documents out of thin air should not be an option.
If the reproduction sheets are not labled as reproductions, then , plain and simple, it's a matter of deception .
Intentions may be good, but those in favor of fabricated sheets are not thinking this thing through very well . Pretty much , all cars with legit documents will now be in question.
How does the average (or even above average) guy tell the real cars (and buildsheets)from the fakes ? Just like repro fender tags, dash VINs ,
window stickers, etc. these repro sheets WILL fall into the wrong hands, and WILL be used for financial gain by some . People used to be able to "trust" buildsheets . Now, all that trust will be taken away , just because some shi%a$$ wanted to make a little extra money when he decides to sell his car . Everybody knows they can "possibly" pull 10-15% more for a car with a sheet .So, now , everybody is going to have a sheet . It won't be long untill somebody parades
an FJ6 D21 AAR around with sheet , only to find out that the REAL sheet to that car was found in another AAR and is actually an FK5 D32 car .
We'll catch alot of these fakes, we may not catch them all , but you can't fool everybody , all the time."

Greg phone 256-852-0955