
Dave mentioned having to answer to the boys in blue as some sort of certification that he doesn't make fake stuff.

Yes....it is called due diligence to a program! It is about going through the proper channels to be classified as an authority or "expert". Why don't some of you guys go out and direct traffic without the proper approval. Go fabricate and make money without being licensed or certified to do so. Walk in a School and try taking over a class while claiming to be a teacher....WHEN YOU'RE NOT! See how many things like this you can get away with before someone arrests you for impersonating a [fill in the blank]! They have set themselves up with a bunch of self righteous rules and everyone has given their God given rights and common sense over to them. Wake up people! Most of you know more than these guys know. I have learned and have seen more facts from some of the members here than you could shake a stick at. Give yourselves some credit! They have no more right to lay down the "Law" than anybody else that is involved in this Hobby!