It's amazing how a post about something THIS COOL can turn into so much from so many sides. A gentleman who has owned a cool rare piece of automotive history since it was new has given it over to another gentleman who's knowldge of and abilities with Hemi powered Mopars is up there with the best of them. He is documenting all of the teardown for those who requested it, but at the end of the day he will reassemble the car as requested by THE CUSTOMER. The owner obviously wants to enjoy the car once again, without the concerns everone else has attached to it like value or rarity. Thanks to the owner and BGR for letting us in on this awesome undertaking. I hope that the can stop enough so this thread stays alive so those of us who just want to see the car's progress over the next several months can enjoy it.

Ron H.
"Just when you think you have all of the answers...I change the questions!" "Rowdy" Roddy Piper