Well, this thread has made me think we should see if we can't offer our Level II setup in a more economical configuration - to make it within reach of more people.

That ball has already been set in motion.

So, give me a few weeks and we'll be releasing some new versions with lower points of entry on the cost side. Will likely be a bit more than RMS setup, but much closer.

I'm making an assumption here, that I really should be asking you guys: If we get the XV Level II closer to RMS on the cost side, but still a bit more, will more of you be interested in buying it?

Right now we are offering it only one way - best of everything. We can definitely change some pieces out and try and push down some of our costs on others as well.

There are some other VERY interesting configurations we've looked at as well that we can do easily.

Let me know what you think.


Yes!!! Very interested!!