Your tie rod end need to be ouboard of the ball joints since you are now front steer. This is called Ackerman steering. Ackerman geometry does not have to be perfect, but you are too far the wrong way and it will not handle good at all. To see where your tie rod end should be located, run a string from the center of the rear axle to the lower ball joint. The line made by the string should point at the ball joint. Ignore the elavation only the inboard outboard really matters, since the tie rod center is basically at the same elavation as the ball joint. So with rear steer the tie rods must be inboard of the lower balljoint hence the Chrysler tie rods are inboard. Front steer tie rods must be outboard of the ball joint. I don't know how the Sox and Martin Car is able to use the stock Chrysler ball joint possibly they machined the knuckle or used spacers between it and the ball joint maybe both. It is hard to tell but it looks like it has imperfect Ackerman, but not as bad as your car is set up. One of the tubular K member manufactures sells a fabricated front steer ball joint that fixes the Ackerman.



R5P7, can you post some current pictures.

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