Hey, I think this is fun!
Finally some good reading. FWIW, I did apologize to B3, I usually do not stoop to name calling.

Your right turbo, probably could, but take the hair dryer off and you got squat.

cbk, don't brag till you run it yourself, I'll still be giving you a big headstart w/the

BH, yes it was Bill's dyno

Ryan, you asked why I'd gotten defensive...
Now I have a few years on you and I am definately old school. I've been a contractor for 20+ years with nary a written contract for 19 of them. A man is only as good as his word.
I obviously have no problem with disagreements. If someone states something they claim to be fact and you disagree you've basically called them a liar. If you call me a liar to my face you better be ready to dance.
I still believe when the ole' 422ci was new it MAY have been the most powerful ever.