
soooo you're claiming a .99 60' from a car that ran 1.7xs ? Not to mention it is as light as a go-kart

cbk, who said anything about 1.7xs???
go carts weigh 500lbs, the tbucket was 1800.
Have you even made a pass in your car yet?? I know, I know, your still getting used to it right

Ryan, you knew where this thread would go.
I am a bracket racer, in fact I would race my lawnmower if my neighbor called me out...
Your title is/was a challenge to me anyone with a fast 59* motor. I'm proud of this one because I owned it and practically resurrected it from the grave. It was the [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean] stepchild that no one wanted, full of cement and all. I gambled and it paid off.
I hope the peanut gallery is good at something cause they are terrible bench racers

I completely forgot some important data I gathered 3 years ago. When I was trying to dial in the fuel injection I put the car on a chassis dyno. Unfortunately I lost that stuff in the move but will have the info from the pulls early next week.

So what % should we use for drivetrain loss?
IIRC, this should get interesting...